Read the first winning story of our Nova Short Story Competition from 1971, or download the list of all winners since then. Interested in a story we published, but not sure which issue of Probe to find it in? Download the list of every short story published in Probe since 1970. And much, much more!
- Download an application form to join SFFSA
- Download recordings of our online Zoom meetings
- Lists: the SFFSA Library, Nova winners, and more
- The Constitution of Science Fiction South Africa
- First winning story of Nova (1971)
Become a part of our community today and discover just how much we have to offer. Check out the benefits on our SFFSA membership page.Download the Application Form.
After you have downloaded the application form (in Word format), complete it, and return it to us.
The following lists are all in xlsx or xlsm
- Our library list.
- All the Nova winners since 1971.
- All the SF short stories published in Probe since 1970.
Nova 1971 Winner
The first short story competition was held in 1971. First prize was an awesome R15! The winning entry, as judged by Arthur Bleksley, was Man Proposes by WG Lipsett.Download it in PDF format.
SFFSA Constitution
The Constitution of SFFSA was amended in March 2020 (Fifth Amended Edition) to reflect the club name change to Science Fiction and Fantasy South Africa.Download it in PDF format.
Previous versions of the Constition are also available from our history page