Tex Cooper 22 March 1939 - 08 June 2024
It is with a heavy heart that we note the passing of one the founders of SFFSA, Tex Cooper, on Saturday the 8th of June 2024.
We have noted in a number of places how Tex, and his wife Rita, carried on their love for Science Fiction and gathered together a number of fellow fans in 1969 and started our club. Tex was one of the very first editors of PROBE, and his enthusiasm for local writing encouraged many of us to try our hands and writing science fiction or fantasy. I remember attending a seminar he presented many years ago, and I still have his notes and the ones that I took, which were very useful and that I have looked back on from time to time.
I remember many visits to Tex and Rita's home in Pretoria, where we got to know many fellow enthusiasts. And held entertaining and educating meetings with them, at a time when SF was still slightly outre.
I remember particularly Tex at a meeting at Simon and Mary Scott's home saying that he needed someone to take over the editorship of PROBE. And I remember well how I only then realised what a brilliant job Tex had done and I later only really appreciated how much time and effort had gone into the editorship of PROBE. I feel it is a great pity he did not see the 200th issue published. I like to think he would have been proud to see the continuation of his legacy.
His wife Rita has the following to say about Tex:
I know the club held a special place in his heart especially the success of the short story writing competition.
May your short story competition continue to entertain readers and provide an outlet for all writers.
Tex was always excited about the annual short story competition and was honoured to have his early writings
included in the 50th anniversary edition book that was published.
We both had so many happy memories of starting the club and meeting new friends like you and Ian
(even if I had a hard time with Ian's accent but Tex understood him perfectly!)
We formed many new and cherished friendships through the club.
Sadly many have also passed away or are living overseas.
I sometimes see familiar name in Probe from overseas that Tex enjoyed the exchange of their knowledge and repartee.
I always remember that Tex especially enjoyed the SF quiz sessions that were held as he had such a vast knowledge of authors, books and movies.
I don't know if there are any records of those quiz nights.
But I know one quiz session included guest expert Barry Ronge who was well known at that time.
Tex was very chuffed that he got answers right! While Barry was incorrect!
Good wishes and blessings to all those who still faithfully carry the lamp and light of the club in the future.
We had not seen Tex in the last few years, but his name often came up at one of our meetings.
We will miss him.
Gail Jamieson and all members of SFFSA who knew him, or of him.